
Sailing Instructions IoM Midnight Race

The sailling instructions are now published! Please note change in start time from the NOR owing to conflicting tide information. For all boats sailing in to join the race, we are talking to the marina about arrangements for the Thursday PM so please do keep us informed about your intention to arrive and race. An […]


Updated NOR – IoM Midnight Race

Following a decision to suspend use of Yellow Brick trackers to manage the race, the NOR has been ammended and the race entry fee has been reduced. New NOR can be found HERE SI’s are underway and will be published ahead of the race. So far we’ve had a pretty decent response and we look […]


Notice of Race – IoM Midnight Race

The NOR is now available HERE for our return to Douglas. We’ll be using Yellow Brick Trackers and as you may be aware, the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations are changing which may affect some boats being able to meet the requirements. This race is Category 3 + liferaft; we draw your attention specifically to […]

Club Information Racing

Notice of Race (LYC Offshore)

Provisional NOR for next Sunday’s Offshore Race are now available. SI’s will be published ahead of the start date. Please note, we have been informed (informally) that the RYA have delayed teh requirement for keel inspections (OSR 2022-23) and are awaiting confirmation in writing, at which time we will update the NOR which can be […]


Ammendment to EA2 Start Time

The start time for this sunday’s race has been changed to 9:30 (HW 11:07) Apologies for any confusion but somehow, the times had been set for a Low Water Series – first lock back in circa 21:00 (no thank you!). Hope to see you all out on the water, Jen 🙂


Isle of Man Entry Requirements

21/07/2021 For any members wanting to take part in the Isle of Man Early Bird, under the current advice ALL crew must have had 2 vaccines ans you will ALL need all to complete an application for a vaccination exemption and landing card which you can access HERE On arrival in at Douglas, boats will […]

News Racing

Round Anglesey Race 2021

Brilliant news! Holyhead SC have been in touch to let us know the RAR will go ahead this year starting 7th August and tackling the Swellies early on the 8th (covid caveats apply). For further details and to see the full NOR click HERE

News Racing Uncategorized

NOR Isle of Man Early Bird

No its not the Midnight Race but no LYC calendar year would be complete without a race to the Isle of Man. Now that restrictions permit, we’ve decided to put on a fun race which we hope, for those who don’t meet Cat 3 race requirements, will also include a cruise in company from Liverpool […]

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