To become a member of Liverpool Yacht Club, please complete the membership form and submit the appropriate payment.
By applying to join LYC you are agreeing to observe and abide by the Club rules and constitution which can be found in the ‘About‘ area of this site.
Benefits of Joining LYC:
- A doorway into the exciting world of sailing on the Mersey and beyond.
- Access to our sailing programmes, including racing, cruising and dinghies.
- Opportunities to join in our skills and training programmes.
- Knowledgeable guidance and support.
- Joining in our social activities.
- A voice in the running of the club and votes at the AGM (subject to qualifying membership category).
- The right to stand for election as a club officer.
Membership Types and Costs:
Individual Member – £90 per year
Able to vote in AGM. Age 18+ with an interest in sailing
Family Membership – £135 per year
A cohabiting family unit including 2 adults age 18+. Each adult able to vote in AGM. To include children up to 18 or up to 25 if in full time education in the household unit. Children even if over 18 remain non-voting members
Junior Member – £35 per year
A person between the age of 11 and 18 on 1st January or who is under 25 and in full time education who is not a child in the household of Family Members – due to a technical issue for Junior Memberships please use this link to our membership form
Social Member – £40 per year
Age 18+. Not involved in club sailing activities or administration
Discover Sailing – £20 for one month only
A one month membership for adults and juniors, allowing you to try all the activities LYC has to offer (keelboat sailing, dinghy sailing, social events). You can then deciding whether LYC membership is right for you.
Membership payments are made through our membership system, either via the form to the left or by click here
If you have any questions about joining or the club please contact the Membership Secretary via our Contacts page.
Already a member? Please click here to access your account
To the Management Committee
Please accept my application to join Liverpool Yacht Club. If elected, I agree to observe and abide by the Rules and Constitution and acknowledge that these are regularly reviewed and subject to change.
To link directly to our Membership form, rather than the embedded form, please click here