Club Information News

LYC AGM 2023: Nominations

The Annual General Meeting of Liverpool Yacht Club will be held at 1930hrs on Wednesday 22nd February 2023. The meeting will be held at Liverpool Marina but there will also be an option to join virtually by ‘Zoom’.

If you have any questions or matters which you wish to be discussed at the AGM please submit these by email to the Secretary by email to by 4th February 2023

The management of your club is undertaken by members nominated and voted for by you during the AGM process. All positions are available for election each year. These positions are:


Vice Commodore (Sailing)

Rear Commodore (Events)

Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Secretary

Membership Secretary

6 x General Members

I would ask you as members to consider volunteering for these roles within the Management Team. If you feel you can volunteer for any position you will be made very welcome and help from the more experienced members will be given to anyone elected. If you would like any information on what these roles involve or the time commitment that would be needed, please contact me.


In order to be nominated, candidates need a proposer and seconder. Only full members are permitted to vote.

Please send an email to and I will collate all nominations. Please include “AGM Committee Nomination for (insert relevant role)” in the header of your email. Within the email please clearly state the names of the nominee, proposer and seconder and ensure that all parties are copied in using their email address and that all three email to confirm acceptance.

The Secretary must be in receipt of all nominations no later than 1700hrs on Friday 4th February 2023.

In order to vote for LYC officers, we will follow the same voting process as last year so you will need an email address and access to a laptop or smartphone to do this. As usual, voting on nominations for officers will be completed ahead of the meeting and we will announce the results on the night. This is so we can ensure a secure voting process. Voting for the management committee is done in two parts, firstly you will need to nominate members for the position and then, once we have a list of nominees, this will be issued to you to vote upon. 

If you do not wish to take up a committee position but have any skills that may be useful to the club please get in touch. We always have a need for interested volunteers to help with Communications, social media, co-ordination of activities on and off the water and a host of other roles. LYC has an exciting year ahead so why not join in the action and help guide the club to a successful future.

Richard Campbell

Honorary Secretary.

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