Dear Fellow Members,
Since I last wrote to you in June, the Lockdown has started to ease and people have been able to use their boats in a manner that respects social distancing. It has been a real blessing to me and to others who have been able to take advantage of this.
The good news is that more restrictions are now being lifted and we are able to restart a sailing programme which includes racing (details of which have been emailed, but if you haven’t seen a copy please look on our website).
I must warn you that this is in no way a return to normality. Your sailing and management committees have spent a lot of time and effort setting out various procedures to allow us to race again. Please read, understand and follow them. The documents are written in accordance with the Government and RYA guidelines with the overall guiding principle to adhere to the Government guidelines at all time. The documents are on our website under “Liverpool Yacht Club Covid-19 advise to members” and “LYC risk assessment”. These guidelines are fluid in nature, please be prepared that that we may move back into lockdown and things may change or be cancelled at short notice. We will endeavor to ensure the website is kept up to date. As a result new payment and sign on methods will be used so please make sure you know how they will work.
Racing can only take part under these guidelines and failure to do so will result in action being taken against members failing to adhere to these rules. If we don’t do this properly we may need to suspend this return to sailing and this is something none of us want.
If you have any concerns that the guidelines are not being followed, please contact me.
Some of the more important things to consider are:
The following information is to assist members in staying safe when participating in club activities.
Please ensure you are familiar with the guidance from Liverpool Marina with regard to accessing their services and using the marina.
Ensure you bring the relevant items such as a face mask, hand gel and gloves.
If you are feeling unwell, particularly if your symptoms are COVID-19 symptoms such as temperature, cough or loss of sense of taste or smell, you should not attend any club events and you should self-isolate for 14 days.
Ensure you make your skipper aware if you have any medical conditions that may make you more likely to need medical assistance.
You should come changed for the activity, or change in the car park, as there are limited facilities in the marina premises and you should minimise the time you need to spend inside the yacht.
You should minimise sharing equipment, ideally you should wear sailing gloves and where it is necessary to share equipment you should sanitise your hands as soon as is safe to do so If it is necessary to come within 2m of another crew member you should avoid direct face interaction and/or wear a mask, this may be when you are interacting in the lock or if you need to give first aid to another member of crew.
If its practical you should wear gloves or ensure good hand hygiene is maintained before and after treatment.
During COVID-19 if resuscitation is required, you can ask your helper to put the phone on speaker so you can hear advice from the ambulance crew but maintain a 2m distance, do not give rescue breaths, lay a cloth or towel over the casualty mouth and nose and then begin compressions.
You should cover any cuts and wounds with a secure waterproof plaster.
You should not share any items such as water bottles, food, personal equipment and you should bring and remove all your own equipment and rubbish from the vessel.
This guidance should not supersede emergency safety measures however, as always, consider your own safety first, then provide assistance.If you become ill within 14 days of a club activity you should contact your skipper if it was waterbased or the event organiser if not.
If you are contacted to advise you came into contact with someone with COVID-19 during a club activity you should self-isolate for 14 days. You will not be permitted to participate in a club activity for this time.
What should you expect from your skipper?
They should provide a briefing to crew on the COVID-19 procedures for the yacht for any specific crew or yacht requirements. This briefing will include measures to comply with the LYC guidance. This briefing should take place virtually or on the yacht prior to sailing.
Any equipment that is loaned to you has been cleaned since it was used by anyone previously.
You may be asked to clean any equipment you use after use.
The skipper has a crew list, dated for the passage and with relevant contact details for all crew members, they advise any crew member who becomes ill within 14 days to contact them. The skipper should then contact all crew who sailed on that date and advise them to self-isolate for 14 days. The skipper should advise the Commodore, Vice Commodore and secretary if this has to be invoked.
Give your competitors more time at marks and communicate your intentions early. Let’s not be over aggressive on the racecourse.
If need be please settle disputes in the protest room and do not allow boats to come in close contact with each other or buoys.
Crosby Lakeside have informed us that we now have access to our dinghy fleet, and Jan, our dinghy captain, has plans to refurbish our small fleet prior to restarting our sailing there. I know he is looking for volunteers to help him, so please get in touch.
It’s great to be able to share this good news. Please take part if you want to, consider your fellow members and keep your distance on boats and in the Marina.
Please bear in mind how this awful virus spreads and keep your crew-mates, colleagues and family safe.
Wishing you all the best
Paul Hampson