I was hoping that my 1st letter to you all would be upbeat and focused on the upcoming sailing events and social aspects of our club. But unfortunately, COVID-19 has changed all that, as it has for the whole world.
Following the Prime Ministers’ briefing to us all on Monday 16th March and the
scientific advice that accompanied it, to restrict social interaction, the Flag officers of Liverpool Yacht Club have decided to heed the advice.
With immediate effect we will not be holding our social evenings at Liverpool Marina on Wednesday nights.
All club organised Club sailing will also cease, with racing postponed.
It is hoped that this will not last as long as has been anticipated by the experts and we will re-schedule races were possible once life starts to return to normal.
It is important that we keep our club going and I would encourage everyone to use our social media to keep in contact with each other and keep the spirit going.
We will also look at and try new initiatives, which we will inform members via various electronic methods.
We are speaking with our venue for the annual dinner, and will update you further once we have confirmed the situation with them.
We will keep you updated regularly over the coming weeks and I hope you all stay safe and well.
Best wishes
Paul Hampson