LYC Jubilee Cruise
On Thursday afternoon, three boats (WILD WOOD, ISLAND FLING and LILLEBOLERO) each with an LYC member on board, four Brazilians, two Yorkshiremen, and a Scouser, set off on a mini cruise from Liverpool. First, it was a short trip around the Wirral to anchor off Hilbre Island. The Brazilians in the apply named ISLAND FLING sambaed all the way and into the night after anchoring.
It was a first light, 04:30, start the next morning to catch the tide for Conwy. All successfully weighed anchor, but ISLAND FLING had an engine problem and had to set sails before being able to clear the sand banks. With short tacking out of the channel past HE2 and HE3 not looking realistic, LILLEBOLERO was sent ahead of the group to chart a route across West Hoyle bank on the falling tide and the rest successfully followed. After further investigations Marcelo Rodrigues was able to clear the airlock in his raw water-cooling system and all was good. It was directly downwind in a wallowing sea to Conwy. LILLEBOLERO went straight downwind while WILD WOOD, skippered by Max Blackwell, and ISLAND FLING gybed their way down to the Great Orme. When we arrived at Conwy, Robert Miles was there to take our lines. Thanks Rob. After a long day, it was a relaxing meal at the Mulberry.
Saturday was spent exploring the castle and walking the town’s walls. Matt Heald joined us in the late afternoon to say hello and see how we were doing. The Mulberry had a DJ in the evening and our Brazilian team could not miss the opportunity to dance. I wonder why their boat was last out of the marina the next morning. The trip back to Liverpool was against an easterly head wind with lots of rain. I sailed the first half and motored the rest. The others simply motored all the way and accepted that it was bank holiday weather. Everyone was back in Liverpool for 3pm, damp but smiling.
Alistair Roaf